A. Work Experience Component
1. Teaching Experience
Teaching experience is the period of employment in performing duties as a teacher in a particular educational unit as evidenced by a decree (SK) from the authorized institutions (government, local government, and / or group education providers).Physical evidence of this component can be either a decision letter / certificate from a legitimate institution.
2. Learning Plan
Lesson plan is the preparation of learning will be done in class on each face to face.This learning plan at least contains the formulation of objectives / competencies, selection and organization of material, selection of sources / media learning, scenario learning, and assessment of learning outcomes. Physical evidence of this subcomponent include documents Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) which are known / authorized by the principal. RPP RPP is not specially prepared for PPKHB, but the lesson plans that have been implemented by the teacher at one (1) last year.
3. Relevant Awards
Relevant award is recognition of the accomplishments of teachers who show academic results and quality appropriate to their fields and are very beneficial to the development of quality education, both at the district / city, provincial, national, or international. Physical evidence included photocopies of the attached certificate, charter, or certificate.
B. Component Learning Outcomes
Component includes learning outcomes of academic qualifications, training, and academic achievement.
1. Academic Qualifications
Academic qualification is the highest education that teachers have and evidenced by a diploma. Academic qualifications which can be rated PPKHB is high school diploma, Diploma I, II Diploma and Diploma III / Bachelor of institutions that have operating licenses.
2. Training
Training is the experience following the development activities and / or an increase in competence, both at the district level, district / city, provincial, national, and international, that support the execution of duties as a teacher. Organizers recognized training institute is LPMP, P4TK, MGMP, KKG, education offices, colleges, professional associations, and other recognized institutions Ministry, including the training is done through self-learning in KKG or MGMP based on self-study program Better Education through Reformed Management and Universal Teacher Upgrading (QUALITY). Physical evidence of the training component of the original certificate that contains information about: training materials, organizing time, teachers / instructors, training providers, and description of the experience of training which has been approved by superiors.
3. Academic Achievement
Academic achievement is the achievement of teachers includes academic work, won the race, coaching colleagues and / or students, and participation in scientific forums.
Academic work is the work and / or activity indicating the presence of teacher professional development efforts. Academic work can be a book published at the regency / city, provincial, national or international media articles published in journals / magazines / newsletters; modules / print book local (county / city) which includes a minimum of learning materials for one (1) semesters; media / learning tool in the field; research reports class action (individual / group); works of art (sculpture, arts, dance, painting, literature, etc.), technology, development of innovative learning models and / or monumental; become reviewers (reviewer ) books, and writers about EBTANAS / National Exam.
Winner of the race, especially in areas relevant to the subjects / courses Amnestied expertise, both the district level, district / city, provincial, national or international level.
Activities guiding colleagues in the development of various competencies, both in in-house training and on job training and guiding students in various competitions as well as academic activities, such as writing scientific papers, science, technology, and art.
The participation of teachers in the scientific forum of teacher participation in seminars, workshops (workshops), symposia, and panel discussions, either as resource persons / speakers and active participants.
Physical evidence of academic achievement component can be either plaque, certificate, letter of assignment, documentation, and / or certificates issued by institutions / organizers.
For teachers affected by natural disasters and can not show physical evidence, PPKHB submitted to the organizers LPTKs policy. LPTK organizers have the authority to trace the truth of all physical evidence portfolio.
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