PROPOSAL systematics in the Class Action Research (CAR)
1. TITLE CAR titles should be stated with accurate and solid problems and shape the actions of researchers as a problem-solving effort. Formulation of the title should be brief, clear, and simple but implicitly has figures showing the figure of the CAR is not a formal study.
2. BACKGROUND ISSUES In the background of this issue should be described the urgency of handling the problems posed through CAR. To that end, must ditunjukkkan facts - facts that support, both derived from teacher observations during this and the literature review.Support of the results of previous studies, when there will also be further cemented the argument about the urgency and significance of issues to be addressed through the proposed CAR. CAR distinctive characteristics that differ from formal studies should be reflected in the description in this section.
3. ISSUES Issues proposed to be handled through the CAR was described in more detail in this section. Problems should be true - true in the lift of everyday problems in school-deserved and needed to be resolved through the CAR. Instead the problem is not a problem that should be technically out of reach metodologik CAR. Description of the existing problems should be preceded by the identification of problems, followed by analysis of the problem and is followed by early reflections so that an image problem that needs to handle it seems to be the formulation of the problem. In this section locked with the formulation of the problem. In the even this, the figure should be consistently Shown CAR.
4. HOW TO PROBLEM SOLVING In this section presented a proposed way to solve the problem at hand. Proposed alternative solutions should have a solid conceptual foundation that departed from the results of analysis of the problem. In addition, the benefit should also be imaginable possibility of solving the problem in order to reform and / or an increase in the implementation of learning programs and / or variety of school programs should be careful articulation lainnya.Juga expediency expediency CAR is different from formal research.
5. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND BENEFITS OF RESEARCH CAR objectives should be formulated in between and the final target jelas.paparkan perbaikan.perumusan action goals should be consistent with the essence of the problems presented in the section - the previous section. By itself, the articulation of goals is different from the formal goals CAR. As an example can be expressed CAR in the field of science that aims to improve student achievement in science subjects through the application of the new PBM strategies, utilization of the environment as a source of teaching and learning and so on. Testing and / or development of new PBM strategy is not an objective formula CAR. Furthermore, achievement of objectives should be diverfikasi objectively. Gratitude can also be quantified when. Besides the purpose of CAR, also described the possibility of benefit to the research.In this connection, it should be described specifically benefit - the promised benefits, especially for students as a direct heir (direct beneficiaries) of CAR, in addition to teachers implementing the CAR, the co - other teachers and for professors LCAR as teacher educators. Different from the formal research context, usefulness for the development of science. Technology and art are not a priority in the context of CAR, although the possibility of its presence is not rejected.
6. Theoretical FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESIS OF ACTION This section describes the theoretical foundation in terms of substantive and / or used metodologik researchers in determining the alternative, which will be implemented.For this purpose, the study described in this section both the experience of researchers themselves nyang pelakju CAR as well as relevant actors - actors in addition to CAR another theory - the theory that commonly contained in various literature. Logic and theoretical arguments are needed to draw up a conceptual framework. Aras an organized conceptual framework, the hypothesis formulated action.
7. RESEARCH PLAN a. Research setting and characteristics of research subjects In this section mentioned in which research is carried out, in class how many and how characteristics such as composition of the classes male and female students.Socioeconomic background that may be relevant to the issue, level of ability and so forth. Aspects of substantive issues such as class II SMPLB Mathematics or English class III SMLB, also presented in this section.
b. Variables investigated In part this is determined variables - variables that made a point of research - the point seek to address the problems faced. Variables can be either (1) input variables associated with students, teachers, teaching materials, learning resources, evaluation procedures, the learning environment, etc., (2) process variables such as interaction KBM breach of teaching and learning, questioning skills, teachers, teacher's teaching style, student learning, the implementation of various teaching methods in class, and so forth, and (3) varaibel output like curiosity of students, students' ability to apply knowledge, student motivation, student learning outcomes, attitudes toward learning experiences that have been held through the action repairs and so on.
c. Action Plan In this section, described a plan of action to enhance learning, such as: 1) Planning, preparation is made in connection with such determination CAR initiated entry behavior. Pelancaran diagnostic tests to specify the problem. Creation of learning scenarios, the procurement of equipment - a tool in order to implement the CAR, and others - related lin bdengan implementation of the corrective actions have been defined previously. It also outlined previously set. It also described an alternative - alternative solutions that will be tested in order to repair the problem. Format partnerships between teachers and lecturers LCAR also presented in this section. 2) Implementation of action that is a description of actions to be in the title. Scenario work corrective action measures and procedures to be applied. 3) Observation and Interpretation of the description of the procedures of recording and interpretation of data on process and product of the implementation of corrective actions designed. 4) Analysis and Reflections is a description of the analysis procedure of monitoring results and reflections regarding the process and impact of corrective actions will be performed, personnel will be involved as well as the criteria and action plan for the next cycle.
d. Data and how pengumpilannya In this section clearly indicated by the type of data will be collected with respect to both process and impact of corrective actions in the title, which will be used as a basis for assessing the success or learning kekurangberhasilan attempted corrective actions. The format data can be qualitative, quantitative, or a combination of both. In addition, techniques leverage the data should also be clearly defined such as through participatory observation, making daily juranal, observation in classroom activities (including the possibility of recording formats and tools that will be used) depiction of the interaction in the classroom (sosiometrik analysis), the measurement results studied with a variety of assessment procedures and data collection procedures sebagainya.selanjutnya in CAR should not be forgotten that the perpetrators of the CAR, the teacher must also be active as pengumoul data, not merely - the eye as a data source.
Finally pseudo data collection technology that is used must receive a careful assessment of feasibility in the context of a typical CAR. For although it may have been promised a recording quality is much better. The use of sophisticated data recording technology can be hampered by harsh at this stage of reruns in the framework of analysis and interpretation of data.
e. Performance indicators In this part of the success of this benchmark is explicitly specified remedial action so as to facilitate verification to follow through CAR improvements aimed at reducing errors concepts students need to set criteria such as success in the form of reduction (the amount and type or severity level) misconceptions Shown are reasonably suspected as the impact of implementation of corrective actions in question.
f. The research team and their duties This section should dicantumakan name - the name of a member of the research team and job descriptions of each research team member roles and working hours are allocated each week for research activities.
8. RESEARCH SCHEDULE Schedule of research activities are arranged in a matrix that describes the sequence of events from beginning to end.
9. BUDGET PLAN 1. Component - a component of financing Budget plan includes the need of financial support for the preparation phase of the conduct of research, and reporting. In more detail, the financing are included in each area are as follows:
a. Preparation Preparatory activities include meeting members of the research team to set a timetable and division of labor research, develop research instruments, set the format of data collection, establish data analysis techniques, and so on.
b. Operational activities in the field In the operational activities can be included among other diagnostic tests and analysis pelancaran result, rehearsal implementation of measures, improvement, implementation of corrective actions, observations and interpretations of the implementation of corrective actions, reflection meetings, re-planning actions, and so on.
c. Preparation of the CAR Report Results Financing included in this section is drafting a report, review the draft report, drafting the final report. Local seminars on this research, a national seminar of research results, and so on. Also included in the financing and delivery reports are doubling the CAR, as well as the manufacture of articles of CAR preformance Indonesian and English
2. How to Specify and Financing Activities Cost of research should be broken down by operational activities which are translated from the proposed methodology. To be costed, operational activities should be clear his name, place, duration, number of participants. Means necessary and expected output.
1) Some of the benchmark unit financing research activities a. Honorarium 1) Chief Researcher 2) Members of the research team 3) Power Administration The amount of emoluments depending on the source pandanaan
b. Materials and research equipment 1) Material consumables 2) Equipment out 3) Rent equipment
c. Travel 1) The cost of travel in accordance with the provisions 2) Local Transport corresponding local prices 3) lump sum in accordance with the provisions, including consumption 4) Monitoring of PGSM at least for one person, one time, for two days 5) Consultation research team leader for two days to PGSM
d. Research Report 1) Doubling 2) Preparation of Indonesia and English-language articles 3) Delivery
e. Seminar 1) a local seminar, according to the consumption of local prices, the cost of implementation in accordance with local price 2) Seminar nasionala minimum for two people (one teacher and one teacher offender LCAR CAR)
D. Bibliography Bibliography arranged in alphabetical order by author. libraries should be really - really relevant and really - really used in the study.
APPENDICES AND OTHER - OTHER The appendix may contain curriculum vitae chairman and members of the core team.Curriculum vitae that includes the identity of the chair of the research team, history of education, training in the field of research that has been followed, both as trainers / coaches as well as participants, and experience in research, including in the CAR. Things - other things that can clarify the characteristics of the proposed arena CAR can be included in the proposed study.
1. TITLE CAR titles should be stated with accurate and solid problems and shape the actions of researchers as a problem-solving effort. Formulation of the title should be brief, clear, and simple but implicitly has figures showing the figure of the CAR is not a formal study.
2. BACKGROUND ISSUES In the background of this issue should be described the urgency of handling the problems posed through CAR. To that end, must ditunjukkkan facts - facts that support, both derived from teacher observations during this and the literature review.Support of the results of previous studies, when there will also be further cemented the argument about the urgency and significance of issues to be addressed through the proposed CAR. CAR distinctive characteristics that differ from formal studies should be reflected in the description in this section.
3. ISSUES Issues proposed to be handled through the CAR was described in more detail in this section. Problems should be true - true in the lift of everyday problems in school-deserved and needed to be resolved through the CAR. Instead the problem is not a problem that should be technically out of reach metodologik CAR. Description of the existing problems should be preceded by the identification of problems, followed by analysis of the problem and is followed by early reflections so that an image problem that needs to handle it seems to be the formulation of the problem. In this section locked with the formulation of the problem. In the even this, the figure should be consistently Shown CAR.
4. HOW TO PROBLEM SOLVING In this section presented a proposed way to solve the problem at hand. Proposed alternative solutions should have a solid conceptual foundation that departed from the results of analysis of the problem. In addition, the benefit should also be imaginable possibility of solving the problem in order to reform and / or an increase in the implementation of learning programs and / or variety of school programs should be careful articulation lainnya.Juga expediency expediency CAR is different from formal research.
5. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND BENEFITS OF RESEARCH CAR objectives should be formulated in between and the final target jelas.paparkan perbaikan.perumusan action goals should be consistent with the essence of the problems presented in the section - the previous section. By itself, the articulation of goals is different from the formal goals CAR. As an example can be expressed CAR in the field of science that aims to improve student achievement in science subjects through the application of the new PBM strategies, utilization of the environment as a source of teaching and learning and so on. Testing and / or development of new PBM strategy is not an objective formula CAR. Furthermore, achievement of objectives should be diverfikasi objectively. Gratitude can also be quantified when. Besides the purpose of CAR, also described the possibility of benefit to the research.In this connection, it should be described specifically benefit - the promised benefits, especially for students as a direct heir (direct beneficiaries) of CAR, in addition to teachers implementing the CAR, the co - other teachers and for professors LCAR as teacher educators. Different from the formal research context, usefulness for the development of science. Technology and art are not a priority in the context of CAR, although the possibility of its presence is not rejected.
6. Theoretical FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESIS OF ACTION This section describes the theoretical foundation in terms of substantive and / or used metodologik researchers in determining the alternative, which will be implemented.For this purpose, the study described in this section both the experience of researchers themselves nyang pelakju CAR as well as relevant actors - actors in addition to CAR another theory - the theory that commonly contained in various literature. Logic and theoretical arguments are needed to draw up a conceptual framework. Aras an organized conceptual framework, the hypothesis formulated action.
7. RESEARCH PLAN a. Research setting and characteristics of research subjects In this section mentioned in which research is carried out, in class how many and how characteristics such as composition of the classes male and female students.Socioeconomic background that may be relevant to the issue, level of ability and so forth. Aspects of substantive issues such as class II SMPLB Mathematics or English class III SMLB, also presented in this section.
b. Variables investigated In part this is determined variables - variables that made a point of research - the point seek to address the problems faced. Variables can be either (1) input variables associated with students, teachers, teaching materials, learning resources, evaluation procedures, the learning environment, etc., (2) process variables such as interaction KBM breach of teaching and learning, questioning skills, teachers, teacher's teaching style, student learning, the implementation of various teaching methods in class, and so forth, and (3) varaibel output like curiosity of students, students' ability to apply knowledge, student motivation, student learning outcomes, attitudes toward learning experiences that have been held through the action repairs and so on.
c. Action Plan In this section, described a plan of action to enhance learning, such as: 1) Planning, preparation is made in connection with such determination CAR initiated entry behavior. Pelancaran diagnostic tests to specify the problem. Creation of learning scenarios, the procurement of equipment - a tool in order to implement the CAR, and others - related lin bdengan implementation of the corrective actions have been defined previously. It also outlined previously set. It also described an alternative - alternative solutions that will be tested in order to repair the problem. Format partnerships between teachers and lecturers LCAR also presented in this section. 2) Implementation of action that is a description of actions to be in the title. Scenario work corrective action measures and procedures to be applied. 3) Observation and Interpretation of the description of the procedures of recording and interpretation of data on process and product of the implementation of corrective actions designed. 4) Analysis and Reflections is a description of the analysis procedure of monitoring results and reflections regarding the process and impact of corrective actions will be performed, personnel will be involved as well as the criteria and action plan for the next cycle.
d. Data and how pengumpilannya In this section clearly indicated by the type of data will be collected with respect to both process and impact of corrective actions in the title, which will be used as a basis for assessing the success or learning kekurangberhasilan attempted corrective actions. The format data can be qualitative, quantitative, or a combination of both. In addition, techniques leverage the data should also be clearly defined such as through participatory observation, making daily juranal, observation in classroom activities (including the possibility of recording formats and tools that will be used) depiction of the interaction in the classroom (sosiometrik analysis), the measurement results studied with a variety of assessment procedures and data collection procedures sebagainya.selanjutnya in CAR should not be forgotten that the perpetrators of the CAR, the teacher must also be active as pengumoul data, not merely - the eye as a data source.
Finally pseudo data collection technology that is used must receive a careful assessment of feasibility in the context of a typical CAR. For although it may have been promised a recording quality is much better. The use of sophisticated data recording technology can be hampered by harsh at this stage of reruns in the framework of analysis and interpretation of data.
e. Performance indicators In this part of the success of this benchmark is explicitly specified remedial action so as to facilitate verification to follow through CAR improvements aimed at reducing errors concepts students need to set criteria such as success in the form of reduction (the amount and type or severity level) misconceptions Shown are reasonably suspected as the impact of implementation of corrective actions in question.
f. The research team and their duties This section should dicantumakan name - the name of a member of the research team and job descriptions of each research team member roles and working hours are allocated each week for research activities.
8. RESEARCH SCHEDULE Schedule of research activities are arranged in a matrix that describes the sequence of events from beginning to end.
9. BUDGET PLAN 1. Component - a component of financing Budget plan includes the need of financial support for the preparation phase of the conduct of research, and reporting. In more detail, the financing are included in each area are as follows:
a. Preparation Preparatory activities include meeting members of the research team to set a timetable and division of labor research, develop research instruments, set the format of data collection, establish data analysis techniques, and so on.
b. Operational activities in the field In the operational activities can be included among other diagnostic tests and analysis pelancaran result, rehearsal implementation of measures, improvement, implementation of corrective actions, observations and interpretations of the implementation of corrective actions, reflection meetings, re-planning actions, and so on.
c. Preparation of the CAR Report Results Financing included in this section is drafting a report, review the draft report, drafting the final report. Local seminars on this research, a national seminar of research results, and so on. Also included in the financing and delivery reports are doubling the CAR, as well as the manufacture of articles of CAR preformance Indonesian and English
2. How to Specify and Financing Activities Cost of research should be broken down by operational activities which are translated from the proposed methodology. To be costed, operational activities should be clear his name, place, duration, number of participants. Means necessary and expected output.
1) Some of the benchmark unit financing research activities a. Honorarium 1) Chief Researcher 2) Members of the research team 3) Power Administration The amount of emoluments depending on the source pandanaan
b. Materials and research equipment 1) Material consumables 2) Equipment out 3) Rent equipment
c. Travel 1) The cost of travel in accordance with the provisions 2) Local Transport corresponding local prices 3) lump sum in accordance with the provisions, including consumption 4) Monitoring of PGSM at least for one person, one time, for two days 5) Consultation research team leader for two days to PGSM
d. Research Report 1) Doubling 2) Preparation of Indonesia and English-language articles 3) Delivery
e. Seminar 1) a local seminar, according to the consumption of local prices, the cost of implementation in accordance with local price 2) Seminar nasionala minimum for two people (one teacher and one teacher offender LCAR CAR)
D. Bibliography Bibliography arranged in alphabetical order by author. libraries should be really - really relevant and really - really used in the study.
APPENDICES AND OTHER - OTHER The appendix may contain curriculum vitae chairman and members of the core team.Curriculum vitae that includes the identity of the chair of the research team, history of education, training in the field of research that has been followed, both as trainers / coaches as well as participants, and experience in research, including in the CAR. Things - other things that can clarify the characteristics of the proposed arena CAR can be included in the proposed study.