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Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Discovery Learning Methods

Discovery Learning Methods
Discovery learning methods (discovery) is a teaching method that regulates the teaching so that children acquire the knowledge that previously did not already know it's not through notification, partially or completely found themselves. In discovery learning (discovery) or learning activities are designed so that students can discover concepts and principles through his own mental processes. In discovering the concept, students make observations, classify, make educated guesses, explain, draw conclusions and so on to discover some of the concepts or principles.
Discovery method of teaching is defined as a procedure that emphasizes the teaching of individuals, the manipulating objects prior to the generalization. While Bruner states that children should play an active role in learning. Further stated, the activity needs to be undertaken in a manner that is called discovery. Discovery that held the students in their learning, directed to find a concept or principle.
Discovery is a mental process where students are able to assimilate a concept or principle. Mental processes in question include: observe, digest, understand, classify, make allegations, describing, measuring, making inferences and so on. With this technique students are allowed to discover for yourself or having a mental process itself, teachers are guiding and giving instructions. Thus, discovery learning is a learning that involves students in the process of mental activity through the exchange of opinion, with discussion, reading his own and try it yourself, so that children can learn on their own.
Methods of discovery learning is a teaching method that focuses on activities in learning. In the learning process with this method, teachers could act as mentors and facilitators who lead students to discover concepts, propositions, procedures, algorithms and the like.
Study found three main features are: (1) explore and solve problems to create, combine and generalize knowledge, (2) student-centered, (3) activities to incorporate new knowledge and existing knowledge.
Blake et al. discusses the philosophy of findings published by Whewell. Whewell proposed model of the invention with three stages, namely: (1) clarify, (2) draw the conclusion by induction, (3) proof of the truth (verification).
Discovery learning steps are as follows:
1. identification of the needs of students;
2. preliminary selection of the principles, understanding of concepts and generalization of knowledge;
3. selection of materials, problems / tasks;
4. help and clarify the tasks / problems faced by students as well as the role of each student;
5. preparing for class and the necessary tools;
6. check students' understanding of the problem to be solved;
7. gives students the opportunity to conduct discovery;
8. assist students with information / data as required by the student;
9. led the analysis itself (self analysis) by leading questions and identify problems;
10. stimulate interaction between students and students;
11. help students formulate principles and generalizations discovery.
One method of studying the recently widely used in schools that have been developed is a method of discovery. This is because these methods: (1) is a way to develop an active student learning, (2) to discover and investigate their own concept being studied, the results obtained will be long lasting in the memories and not easily forgotten student, (3) understanding that found itself a notion that really controlled and easily used or transferred in other situations, (4) by using discovery strategies children learn to master one of the scientific method that will be developed, (5) students learn to think the analysis and try to solve problems faced its own, this habit will be transferred in real life.
Some of the advantages of discovery learning: (1) knowledge of long-lasting and easy to remember, (2) the results of discovery learning has the effect of a better transfer than the other results, (3) overall student learning and discovery increase the reasoning ability to think freely. Specifically studying the discovery of cognitive skills training students to discover and solve problems without the help of others.

Some of the benefits of the discovery method is also disclosed by Suherman, et al (2001: 179)
as follows:
1. students actively in learning activities, because he thinks and uses the ability to find the final result;
2. students understand the true teaching materials, for having its own process to find it. Something that is obtained in this way much longer remembered;
3. find itself creates a feeling of satisfaction. Inner satisfaction is encouraging to perform discovery again so that increased interest in learning;
4. students acquire knowledge by the method of the invention will be better able to transfer knowledge to different contexts;
5. This method trains students to learn more myself.
Besides having several advantages, methods of discovery (discovery) also has several drawbacks, including requiring a longer learning time than learning to accept.To reduce these drawbacks it is necessary to help teachers. Help teachers can begin by asking a few questions and provide information in brief. Questions and information may be contained in the student worksheet (LKS), which has been prepared by the teacher before the lesson begins.
Method of discovery (the discovery) that may be implemented in junior high school students are guided discovery method. This is because the junior high school students still need the help of a teacher before becoming a pure inventor. Therefore, methods of discovery (the discovery) to be used in this study is a method of discovery (discovery) guided (guided discovery).
Suherman, et al. (2001). Common TexBook Contemporary Mathematics Learning Strategies. London: Department of Mathematics Education UPI Bandung.

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