The atmosphere is a layer of different gases that extends from Earth’s surface to the exosphere, the outer limit of the atmosphere, about 9,600 km (6,000 mi) above the surface. Near Earth’s surface, the atmosphere consists almost entirely of nitrogen (78 percent) and oxygen (21 percent). The remaining 1 percent of atmospheric gases consists of argon (0.9 percent); carbon dioxide (0.03 percent); varying amounts of water vapor; and trace amounts of hydrogen, nitrous oxide, ozone, methane, carbon monoxide, helium, neon, krypton, and xenon.
Layers of the Atmosphere
The layers of the atmosphere are the troposphere, the stratosphere, the mesosphere, the thermosphere, and the exosphere. The troposphere is the layer in which weather occurs and extends from the surface to about 16 km (about 10 mi) above sea level at the equator. Above the troposphere is the stratosphere, which has an upper boundary of about 50 km (about 30 mi) above sea level. The layer from 50 to 90 km (30 to 60 mi) is called the mesosphere. At an altitude of about 90 km, temperatures begin to rise. The layer that begins at this altitude is called the thermosphere because of the high temperatures that can be reached in this layer (about 1200°C, or about 2200°F). The region beyond the thermosphere is called the exosphere. The thermosphere and the exosphere overlap with another region of the atmosphere known as the ionosphere, a layer or layers of ionized air extending from almost 60 km (about 50 mi) above Earth’s surface to altitudes of 1,000 km (600 mi) and more.
Earth’s atmosphere and the way it interacts with the oceans and radiation from the Sun are responsible for the planet’s climate and weather. The atmosphere plays a key role in supporting life. Almost all life on Earth uses atmospheric oxygen for energy in a process known as cellular respiration, which is essential to life. The atmosphere also helps moderate Earth’s climate by trapping radiation from the Sun that is reflected from Earth’s surface. Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere act as “greenhouse gases.” Like the glass in a greenhouse, they trap infrared, or heat, radiation from the Sun in the lower atmosphere and thereby help warm Earth’s surface. Without this greenhouse effect, heat radiation would escape into space, and Earth would be too cold to support most forms of life.
Other gases in the atmosphere are also essential to life. The trace amount of ozone found in Earth’s stratosphere blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Without the ozone layer, life as we know it could not survive on land. Earth’s atmosphere is also an important part of a phenomenon known as the water cycle or the hydrologic cycle. See also Atmosphere.
The Atmosphere and the Water Cycle
The water cycle simply means that Earth’s water is continually recycled between the oceans, the atmosphere, and the land. All of the water that exists on Earth today has been used and reused for billions of years. Very little water has been created or lost during this period of time. Water is constantly moving on Earth’s surface and changing back and forth between ice, liquid water, and water vapor.
The water cycle begins when the Sun heats the water in the oceans and causes it to evaporate and enter the atmosphere as water vapor. Some of this water vapor falls as precipitation directly back into the oceans, completing a short cycle. Some of the water vapor, however, reaches land, where it may fall as snow or rain. Melted snow or rain enters rivers or lakes on the land. Due to the force of gravity, the water in the rivers eventually empties back into the oceans. Melted snow or rain also may enter the ground. Groundwater may be stored for hundreds or thousands of years, but it will eventually reach the surface as springs or small pools known as seeps. Even snow that forms glacial ice or becomes part of the polar caps and is kept out of the cycle for thousands of years eventually melts or is warmed by the Sun and turned into water vapor, entering the atmosphere and falling again as precipitation. All water that falls on land eventually returns to the ocean, completing the water cycle.
Minggu, 25 Desember 2011
Earth (planet) Part II
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, after Mercury and Venus. The average distance between Earth and the Sun is 150 million km (93 million mi). Earth and all the other planets in the solar system revolve, or orbit, around the Sun due to the force of gravitation. The Earth travels at a velocity of about 107,000 km/h (about 67,000 mph) as it orbits the Sun. All but one of the planets orbit the Sun in the same plane—that is, if an imaginary line were extended from the center of the Sun to the outer regions of the solar system, the orbital paths of the planets would intersect that line. The exception is Pluto, which has an eccentric (unusual) orbit.
Earth’s orbital path is not quite a perfect circle but instead is slightly elliptical (oval-shaped). For example, at maximum distance Earth is about 152 million km (about 95 million mi) from the Sun; at minimum distance Earth is about 147 million km (about 91 million mi) from the Sun. If Earth orbited the Sun in a perfect circle, it would always be the same distance from the Sun.
The solar system, in turn, is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, a collection of billions of stars bound together by gravity. The Milky Way has armlike discs of stars that spiral out from its center. The solar system is located in one of these spiral arms, known as the Orion arm, which is about two-thirds of the way from the center of the Galaxy. In most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, this disc of stars is visible on a summer night as a dense band of light known as the Milky Way.
Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system. Its diameter, measured around the equator, is 12,756 km (7,926 mi). Earth is not a perfect sphere but is slightly flattened at the poles. Its polar diameter, measured from the North Pole to the South Pole, is somewhat less than the equatorial diameter because of this flattening. Although Earth is the largest of the four planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—that make up the inner solar system (the planets closest to the Sun), it is small compared with the giant planets of the outer solar system—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. For example, the largest planet, Jupiter, has a diameter at its equator of 143,000 km (89,000 mi), 11 times greater than that of Earth. A famous atmospheric feature on Jupiter, the Great Red Spot, is so large that three Earths would fit inside it.
Earth has one natural satellite, the Moon. The Moon orbits the Earth, completing one revolution in an elliptical path in 27 days 7 hr 43 min 11.5 sec. The Moon orbits the Earth because of the force of Earth’s gravity. However, the Moon also exerts a gravitational force on the Earth. Evidence for the Moon’s gravitational influence can be seen in the ocean tides. A popular theory suggests that the Moon split off from Earth more than 4 billion years ago when a large meteorite or small planet struck the Earth.
As Earth revolves around the Sun, it rotates, or spins, on its axis, an imaginary line that runs between the North and South poles. The period of one complete rotation is defined as a day and takes 23 hr 56 min 4.1 sec. The period of one revolution around the Sun is defined as a year, or 365.2422 solar days, or 365 days 5 hr 48 min 46 sec. Earth also moves along with the Milky Way Galaxy as the Galaxy rotates and moves through space. It takes more than 200 million years for the stars in the Milky Way to complete one revolution around the Galaxy’s center.
Earth’s axis of rotation is inclined (tilted) 23.5° relative to its plane of revolution around the Sun. This inclination of the axis creates the seasons and causes the height of the Sun in the sky at noon to increase and decrease as the seasons change. The Northern Hemisphere receives the most energy from the Sun when it is tilted toward the Sun. This orientation corresponds to summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere receives maximum energy when it is tilted toward the Sun, corresponding to summer in the Southern Hemisphere and winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Fall and spring occur in between these orientations.
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, after Mercury and Venus. The average distance between Earth and the Sun is 150 million km (93 million mi). Earth and all the other planets in the solar system revolve, or orbit, around the Sun due to the force of gravitation. The Earth travels at a velocity of about 107,000 km/h (about 67,000 mph) as it orbits the Sun. All but one of the planets orbit the Sun in the same plane—that is, if an imaginary line were extended from the center of the Sun to the outer regions of the solar system, the orbital paths of the planets would intersect that line. The exception is Pluto, which has an eccentric (unusual) orbit.
Earth’s orbital path is not quite a perfect circle but instead is slightly elliptical (oval-shaped). For example, at maximum distance Earth is about 152 million km (about 95 million mi) from the Sun; at minimum distance Earth is about 147 million km (about 91 million mi) from the Sun. If Earth orbited the Sun in a perfect circle, it would always be the same distance from the Sun.
The solar system, in turn, is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, a collection of billions of stars bound together by gravity. The Milky Way has armlike discs of stars that spiral out from its center. The solar system is located in one of these spiral arms, known as the Orion arm, which is about two-thirds of the way from the center of the Galaxy. In most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, this disc of stars is visible on a summer night as a dense band of light known as the Milky Way.
Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system. Its diameter, measured around the equator, is 12,756 km (7,926 mi). Earth is not a perfect sphere but is slightly flattened at the poles. Its polar diameter, measured from the North Pole to the South Pole, is somewhat less than the equatorial diameter because of this flattening. Although Earth is the largest of the four planets—Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars—that make up the inner solar system (the planets closest to the Sun), it is small compared with the giant planets of the outer solar system—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. For example, the largest planet, Jupiter, has a diameter at its equator of 143,000 km (89,000 mi), 11 times greater than that of Earth. A famous atmospheric feature on Jupiter, the Great Red Spot, is so large that three Earths would fit inside it.
Earth has one natural satellite, the Moon. The Moon orbits the Earth, completing one revolution in an elliptical path in 27 days 7 hr 43 min 11.5 sec. The Moon orbits the Earth because of the force of Earth’s gravity. However, the Moon also exerts a gravitational force on the Earth. Evidence for the Moon’s gravitational influence can be seen in the ocean tides. A popular theory suggests that the Moon split off from Earth more than 4 billion years ago when a large meteorite or small planet struck the Earth.
As Earth revolves around the Sun, it rotates, or spins, on its axis, an imaginary line that runs between the North and South poles. The period of one complete rotation is defined as a day and takes 23 hr 56 min 4.1 sec. The period of one revolution around the Sun is defined as a year, or 365.2422 solar days, or 365 days 5 hr 48 min 46 sec. Earth also moves along with the Milky Way Galaxy as the Galaxy rotates and moves through space. It takes more than 200 million years for the stars in the Milky Way to complete one revolution around the Galaxy’s center.
Earth’s axis of rotation is inclined (tilted) 23.5° relative to its plane of revolution around the Sun. This inclination of the axis creates the seasons and causes the height of the Sun in the sky at noon to increase and decrease as the seasons change. The Northern Hemisphere receives the most energy from the Sun when it is tilted toward the Sun. This orientation corresponds to summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere receives maximum energy when it is tilted toward the Sun, corresponding to summer in the Southern Hemisphere and winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Fall and spring occur in between these orientations.
Earth (planet) Part I
Earth (planet), one of nine planets in the solar system, the only planet known to harbor life, and the “home” of human beings. From space Earth resembles a big blue marble with swirling white clouds floating above blue oceans. About 71 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by water, which is essential to life. The rest is land, mostly in the form of continents that rise above the oceans.
Earth’s surface is surrounded by a layer of gases known as the atmosphere, which extends upward from the surface, slowly thinning out into space. Below the surface is a hot interior of rocky material and two core layers composed of the metals nickel and iron in solid and liquid form.
Unlike the other planets, Earth has a unique set of characteristics ideally suited to supporting life as we know it. It is neither too hot, like Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, nor too cold, like distant Mars and the even more distant outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and tiny Pluto. Earth’s atmosphere includes just the right amount of gases that trap heat from the Sun, resulting in a moderate climate suitable for water to exist in liquid form. The atmosphere also helps block radiation from the Sun that would be harmful to life. Earth’s atmosphere distinguishes it from the planet Venus, which is otherwise much like Earth. Venus is about the same size and mass as Earth and is also neither too near nor too far from the Sun. But because Venus has too much heat-trapping carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, its surface is extremely hot—462°C (864°F)—hot enough to melt lead and too hot for life to exist.
Although Earth is the only planet known to have life, scientists do not rule out the possibility that life may once have existed on other planets or their moons, or may exist today in primitive form. Mars, for example, has many features that resemble river channels, indicating that liquid water once flowed on its surface. If so, life may also have evolved there, and evidence for it may one day be found in fossil form. Water still exists on Mars, but it is frozen in polar ice caps, in permafrost, and possibly in rocks below the surface.
For thousands of years, human beings could only wonder about Earth and the other observable planets in the solar system. Many early ideas—for example, that the Earth was a sphere and that it traveled around the Sun—were based on brilliant reasoning. However, it was only with the development of the scientific method and scientific instruments, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, that humans began to gather data that could be used to verify theories about Earth and the rest of the solar system. By studying fossils found in rock layers, for example, scientists realized that the Earth was much older than previously believed. And with the use of telescopes, new planets such as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were discovered.
In the second half of the 20th century, more advances in the study of Earth and the solar system occurred due to the development of rockets that could send spacecraft beyond Earth. Human beings were able to study and observe Earth from space with satellites equipped with scientific instruments. Astronauts landed on the Moon and gathered ancient rocks that revealed much about the early solar system. During this remarkable advancement in human history, humans also sent unmanned spacecraft to the other planets and their moons. Spacecraft have now visited all of the planets except Pluto. The study of other planets and moons has provided new insights about Earth, just as the study of the Sun and other stars like it has helped shape new theories about how Earth and the rest of the solar system formed.
As a result of this recent space exploration, we now know that Earth is one of the most geologically active of all the planets and moons in the solar system. Earth is constantly changing. Over long periods of time land is built up and worn away, oceans are formed and re-formed, and continents move around, break up, and merge.
Life itself contributes to changes on Earth, especially in the way living things can alter Earth’s atmosphere. For example, Earth at one time had the same amount of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere as Venus now has, but early forms of life helped remove this carbon dioxide over millions of years. These life forms also added oxygen to Earth’s atmosphere and made it possible for animal life to evolve on land.
A variety of scientific fields have broadened our knowledge about Earth, including biogeography, climatology, geology, geophysics, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, and zoogeography. Collectively, these fields are known as Earth science. By studying Earth’s atmosphere, its surface, and its interior and by studying the Sun and the rest of the solar system, scientists have learned much about how Earth came into existence, how it changed, and why it continues to change.
Earth (planet), one of nine planets in the solar system, the only planet known to harbor life, and the “home” of human beings. From space Earth resembles a big blue marble with swirling white clouds floating above blue oceans. About 71 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by water, which is essential to life. The rest is land, mostly in the form of continents that rise above the oceans.
Earth’s surface is surrounded by a layer of gases known as the atmosphere, which extends upward from the surface, slowly thinning out into space. Below the surface is a hot interior of rocky material and two core layers composed of the metals nickel and iron in solid and liquid form.
Unlike the other planets, Earth has a unique set of characteristics ideally suited to supporting life as we know it. It is neither too hot, like Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun, nor too cold, like distant Mars and the even more distant outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and tiny Pluto. Earth’s atmosphere includes just the right amount of gases that trap heat from the Sun, resulting in a moderate climate suitable for water to exist in liquid form. The atmosphere also helps block radiation from the Sun that would be harmful to life. Earth’s atmosphere distinguishes it from the planet Venus, which is otherwise much like Earth. Venus is about the same size and mass as Earth and is also neither too near nor too far from the Sun. But because Venus has too much heat-trapping carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, its surface is extremely hot—462°C (864°F)—hot enough to melt lead and too hot for life to exist.
Although Earth is the only planet known to have life, scientists do not rule out the possibility that life may once have existed on other planets or their moons, or may exist today in primitive form. Mars, for example, has many features that resemble river channels, indicating that liquid water once flowed on its surface. If so, life may also have evolved there, and evidence for it may one day be found in fossil form. Water still exists on Mars, but it is frozen in polar ice caps, in permafrost, and possibly in rocks below the surface.
For thousands of years, human beings could only wonder about Earth and the other observable planets in the solar system. Many early ideas—for example, that the Earth was a sphere and that it traveled around the Sun—were based on brilliant reasoning. However, it was only with the development of the scientific method and scientific instruments, especially in the 18th and 19th centuries, that humans began to gather data that could be used to verify theories about Earth and the rest of the solar system. By studying fossils found in rock layers, for example, scientists realized that the Earth was much older than previously believed. And with the use of telescopes, new planets such as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were discovered.
In the second half of the 20th century, more advances in the study of Earth and the solar system occurred due to the development of rockets that could send spacecraft beyond Earth. Human beings were able to study and observe Earth from space with satellites equipped with scientific instruments. Astronauts landed on the Moon and gathered ancient rocks that revealed much about the early solar system. During this remarkable advancement in human history, humans also sent unmanned spacecraft to the other planets and their moons. Spacecraft have now visited all of the planets except Pluto. The study of other planets and moons has provided new insights about Earth, just as the study of the Sun and other stars like it has helped shape new theories about how Earth and the rest of the solar system formed.
As a result of this recent space exploration, we now know that Earth is one of the most geologically active of all the planets and moons in the solar system. Earth is constantly changing. Over long periods of time land is built up and worn away, oceans are formed and re-formed, and continents move around, break up, and merge.
Life itself contributes to changes on Earth, especially in the way living things can alter Earth’s atmosphere. For example, Earth at one time had the same amount of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere as Venus now has, but early forms of life helped remove this carbon dioxide over millions of years. These life forms also added oxygen to Earth’s atmosphere and made it possible for animal life to evolve on land.
A variety of scientific fields have broadened our knowledge about Earth, including biogeography, climatology, geology, geophysics, hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, and zoogeography. Collectively, these fields are known as Earth science. By studying Earth’s atmosphere, its surface, and its interior and by studying the Sun and the rest of the solar system, scientists have learned much about how Earth came into existence, how it changed, and why it continues to change.
Party in Happy New Year, How character?
newyearSret (voice torn paper) remaining in the calendar sheet 1 sheet only, vendors bugle began strewn roadside, shops and shopping centers compete with heavily discounted membandrol special new year, the youth began to cool appointments, MAKSIAT even-even accompany this moment. Then, how the Islamic view of this new year celebration? Various events gembar yells at the TV began to enliven the splendor of the new year, we should not have to go stay up / wait until the peak of festivities that occur during the countdown before the turn of the year before the clock showed, 00.00 (new year) Five ... four ... three ... two ... one ... toooeet! [sound of a trumpet began to deafen ears]
Or are having fun, talking, convoy around the city, and many things that do not benefit. Though the Prophet hated the chat or other useless activities performed after Isha. If no interest, the Prophet advocated to go straight to bed, to wake up at night to worship.
It was narrated from 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud ra, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said to us after talking tercelanya pray 'lsya.'" (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Majah)
Islam as a religion of mercy, forbade his people to stay up without benefit.
Then the people who stayed up late, spend the night to wait and enjoy the new year, have violated the above words of the Prophet Muhammad. By staying up late, they neglect evening prayer, dhikr of Allah Ta'ala, even late in the morning and late to implement the dawn prayer. Indeed, a lot of losses resulting from following the new year celebration.
terompetDan has been known to everyone that the new year celebration BC is not Islamic culture. Even the culture is derived from non-Muslim cultures. And the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam taught his followers to leave and stay away from the celebrations, especially repeated every year who come from non-Muslims.
In an authentic hadith of Anas bin Malik, he said, when the Prophet came to Medina, they had two great days to play around. Then he asked, "Two days to what it is?" They said, "Two days in which we were often playing in the jahiliyyah." Then he said: 'Allah has replaced them for you for two days better than both : Eid ul-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood)
And taukah you, that was the celebration of the new year not only limited to chat, fireworks and trumpets aja know. The tradition of New Year celebrations in several countries associated with religious rituals or their belief in god.
For example in Brazil. At midnight every year on January 1, Brazilian people flocked to the beach with clean white clothes. They are laying flowers at sea, buried mango, papaya and watermelon on the beach sand as a tribute to the god tkita Lemanja the famous sea-god in the legend of Brazilian states.
As in Brazil, even the ancient Romans gave each other gifts of branches from sacred trees to celebrate the New Year. Later, they give each other nuts or gold coins with the image layer Janus, the god of doors and all the starters. Historically, January is taken from the name of this two-faced god (one face facing forward and one facing backward).
Meanwhile, according to the trust the Germans, if they eat the rest of the feast celebration of New Year's Eve on January 1, they are believed not to be deprived of food for a full year. For the majority of Christians who inhabit parts of continental Europe, the new year AD is associated with the birth of Jesus Christ or Isa al-Masih, so that Christianity often called the religion of Christ. Period before Jesus was born was called BCE (BC) and after Jesus' birth is called the solar year.
For us, the Muslims, celebrating the new year AD, of course, will increasingly play a part in removing traces the history of Islam is not it??
Or are having fun, talking, convoy around the city, and many things that do not benefit. Though the Prophet hated the chat or other useless activities performed after Isha. If no interest, the Prophet advocated to go straight to bed, to wake up at night to worship.
It was narrated from 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud ra, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said to us after talking tercelanya pray 'lsya.'" (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Majah)
Islam as a religion of mercy, forbade his people to stay up without benefit.
Then the people who stayed up late, spend the night to wait and enjoy the new year, have violated the above words of the Prophet Muhammad. By staying up late, they neglect evening prayer, dhikr of Allah Ta'ala, even late in the morning and late to implement the dawn prayer. Indeed, a lot of losses resulting from following the new year celebration.
terompetDan has been known to everyone that the new year celebration BC is not Islamic culture. Even the culture is derived from non-Muslim cultures. And the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam taught his followers to leave and stay away from the celebrations, especially repeated every year who come from non-Muslims.
In an authentic hadith of Anas bin Malik, he said, when the Prophet came to Medina, they had two great days to play around. Then he asked, "Two days to what it is?" They said, "Two days in which we were often playing in the jahiliyyah." Then he said: 'Allah has replaced them for you for two days better than both : Eid ul-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood)
And taukah you, that was the celebration of the new year not only limited to chat, fireworks and trumpets aja know. The tradition of New Year celebrations in several countries associated with religious rituals or their belief in god.
For example in Brazil. At midnight every year on January 1, Brazilian people flocked to the beach with clean white clothes. They are laying flowers at sea, buried mango, papaya and watermelon on the beach sand as a tribute to the god tkita Lemanja the famous sea-god in the legend of Brazilian states.
As in Brazil, even the ancient Romans gave each other gifts of branches from sacred trees to celebrate the New Year. Later, they give each other nuts or gold coins with the image layer Janus, the god of doors and all the starters. Historically, January is taken from the name of this two-faced god (one face facing forward and one facing backward).
Meanwhile, according to the trust the Germans, if they eat the rest of the feast celebration of New Year's Eve on January 1, they are believed not to be deprived of food for a full year. For the majority of Christians who inhabit parts of continental Europe, the new year AD is associated with the birth of Jesus Christ or Isa al-Masih, so that Christianity often called the religion of Christ. Period before Jesus was born was called BCE (BC) and after Jesus' birth is called the solar year.
For us, the Muslims, celebrating the new year AD, of course, will increasingly play a part in removing traces the history of Islam is not it??
Karakteristik Party in tahun Baru, How ?
newyearSret(suara sobekan kertas) lembaran kalender tinggal tersisa 1 lembar saja, penjual terompet mulai bertebaran di pinggir-pinggir jalan, Toko-toko dan pusat perbelanjaan saling bersaing dengan membandrol diskon besar-besaran khusus tahun baru, para PEMUDA-PEMUDI mulai asyik JANJIAN, bahkan MAKSIAT-pun mengiringi momen ini. Lalu, bagaimana islam memandang perayaan tahun baru ini?Berbagai acara di TV mulai gembar gembor untuk memeriahkan semaraknya tahun baru, yang seharusnya kita tidak perlu ikut begadang/ menunggu hingga Puncak kemeriahan yang terjadi pada saat perhitungan mundur menjelang pergantian tahun sebelum jarum jam menunjukkan pukul 00.00 (tahun baru) Lima… empat… tiga… dua… satu… toooeet!!![Suara TEROMPET mulai membisingkan Telinga]
Atau sedang bersenang-senang, ngobrol, konvoi keliling kota, dan banyak hal yang tidak bermanfaat yang dilakukan. Padahal Rasulullah membenci ngobrol-ngobrol atau kegiatan tak berguna lainnya yang dilakukan setelah selesai shalat isya. Jika tidak ada kepentingan, Rasulullah menganjurkan untuk langsung tidur, agar dapat bangun di malam hari untuk beribadah.
Diriwayatkan dari ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud ra, ia berkata, “Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menyebutkan kepada kami tercelanya mengobrol sesudah shalat ‘lsya.’” (HR. Ahmad, Ibnu Majah)
Islam sebagai agama yang penuh rahmah, melarang umatnya untuk bergadang tanpa manfaat.
Maka orang yang begadang, menghabiskan malamnya untuk menunggu dan menikmati tahun baru, telah melanggar sabda Rasulullah SAW diatas. Dengan begadang, mereka melalaikan shalat malam, berdzikir pada Allah Ta’ala, di pagi hari pun kesiangan dan telat melaksanakan sholat shubuh. Sungguh, banyak sekali kerugian akibat dari mengikuti perayaan tahun baru ini.
terompetDan telah diketahui semua orang bahwa perayaan tahun baru masehi bukanlah kebudayaan islam. Bahkan kebudayaan ini berasal dari kebudayaan non muslim. Dan Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mengajarkan kepada umatnya untuk meninggalkan dan menjauhi perayaan-perayaan terutama yang berulang pada setiap tahunnya yang berasal dari non muslim.
Dalam hadits yang shahih dari Anas bin Malik ra, dia berkata, saat Rasulullah SAW datang ke Madinah, mereka memiliki dua hari besar untuk bermain-main. Lalu beliau bertanya, “Dua hari untuk apa ini ?” Mereka menjawab, “Dua hari di mana kami sering bermain-main di masa Jahiliyyah.” Lantas beliau bersabda: “Sesungguhnya Allah telah menggantikan bagi kalian untuk keduanya dua hari yang lebih baik dari keduanya: Idul Adha dan Idul Fitri.” (HR. Abu Dawud)
Dan taukah Anda, bahwa ternyata perayaan tahun baru nggak cuma sebatas ngobrol, kembang api dan terompet aja lho. Tradisi perayaan tahun baru di beberapa negara terkait dengan ritual keagamaan atau kepercayaan mereka terhadap dewa.
Contohnya di Brazil. Pada tengah malam setiap tanggal 1 Januari, orang-orang Brazil berbondong-bondong menuju pantai dengan pakaian putih bersih. Mereka menaburkan bunga di laut, mengubur mangga, pepaya dan semangka di pasir pantai sebagai tkita penghormatan terhadap sang dewa Lemanja—Dewa laut yang terkenal dalam legenda negara Brazil.
Seperti halnya di Brazil, orang Romawi kuno pun saling memberikan hadiah potongan dahan pohon suci untuk merayakan pergantian tahun. Belakangan, mereka saling memberikan kacang atau koin lapis emas dengan gambar Janus, dewa pintu dan semua permulaan. Menurut sejarah, bulan Januari diambil dari nama dewa bermuka dua ini (satu muka menghadap ke depan dan yang satu lagi menghadap ke belakang).
Sedangkan menurut kepercayaan orang Jerman, jika mereka makan sisa hidangan pesta perayaan New Year’s Eve di tanggal 1 Januari, mereka percaya tidak akan kekurangan pangan selama setahun penuh. Bagi orang kristen yang mayoritas menghuni belahan benua Eropa, tahun baru masehi dikaitkan dengan kelahiran Yesus Kristus atau Isa al-Masih, sehingga agama Kristen sering disebut agama Masehi. Masa sebelum Yesus lahir pun disebut tahun Sebelum Masehi (SM) dan sesudah Yesus lahir disebut tahun Masehi.
Bagi kita, orang Islam, merayakan tahun baru Masehi, tentu saja akan semakin ikut andil dalam menghapus jejak-jejak sejarah Islam kan??
Atau sedang bersenang-senang, ngobrol, konvoi keliling kota, dan banyak hal yang tidak bermanfaat yang dilakukan. Padahal Rasulullah membenci ngobrol-ngobrol atau kegiatan tak berguna lainnya yang dilakukan setelah selesai shalat isya. Jika tidak ada kepentingan, Rasulullah menganjurkan untuk langsung tidur, agar dapat bangun di malam hari untuk beribadah.
Diriwayatkan dari ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud ra, ia berkata, “Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menyebutkan kepada kami tercelanya mengobrol sesudah shalat ‘lsya.’” (HR. Ahmad, Ibnu Majah)
Islam sebagai agama yang penuh rahmah, melarang umatnya untuk bergadang tanpa manfaat.
Maka orang yang begadang, menghabiskan malamnya untuk menunggu dan menikmati tahun baru, telah melanggar sabda Rasulullah SAW diatas. Dengan begadang, mereka melalaikan shalat malam, berdzikir pada Allah Ta’ala, di pagi hari pun kesiangan dan telat melaksanakan sholat shubuh. Sungguh, banyak sekali kerugian akibat dari mengikuti perayaan tahun baru ini.
terompetDan telah diketahui semua orang bahwa perayaan tahun baru masehi bukanlah kebudayaan islam. Bahkan kebudayaan ini berasal dari kebudayaan non muslim. Dan Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mengajarkan kepada umatnya untuk meninggalkan dan menjauhi perayaan-perayaan terutama yang berulang pada setiap tahunnya yang berasal dari non muslim.
Dalam hadits yang shahih dari Anas bin Malik ra, dia berkata, saat Rasulullah SAW datang ke Madinah, mereka memiliki dua hari besar untuk bermain-main. Lalu beliau bertanya, “Dua hari untuk apa ini ?” Mereka menjawab, “Dua hari di mana kami sering bermain-main di masa Jahiliyyah.” Lantas beliau bersabda: “Sesungguhnya Allah telah menggantikan bagi kalian untuk keduanya dua hari yang lebih baik dari keduanya: Idul Adha dan Idul Fitri.” (HR. Abu Dawud)
Dan taukah Anda, bahwa ternyata perayaan tahun baru nggak cuma sebatas ngobrol, kembang api dan terompet aja lho. Tradisi perayaan tahun baru di beberapa negara terkait dengan ritual keagamaan atau kepercayaan mereka terhadap dewa.
Contohnya di Brazil. Pada tengah malam setiap tanggal 1 Januari, orang-orang Brazil berbondong-bondong menuju pantai dengan pakaian putih bersih. Mereka menaburkan bunga di laut, mengubur mangga, pepaya dan semangka di pasir pantai sebagai tkita penghormatan terhadap sang dewa Lemanja—Dewa laut yang terkenal dalam legenda negara Brazil.
Seperti halnya di Brazil, orang Romawi kuno pun saling memberikan hadiah potongan dahan pohon suci untuk merayakan pergantian tahun. Belakangan, mereka saling memberikan kacang atau koin lapis emas dengan gambar Janus, dewa pintu dan semua permulaan. Menurut sejarah, bulan Januari diambil dari nama dewa bermuka dua ini (satu muka menghadap ke depan dan yang satu lagi menghadap ke belakang).
Sedangkan menurut kepercayaan orang Jerman, jika mereka makan sisa hidangan pesta perayaan New Year’s Eve di tanggal 1 Januari, mereka percaya tidak akan kekurangan pangan selama setahun penuh. Bagi orang kristen yang mayoritas menghuni belahan benua Eropa, tahun baru masehi dikaitkan dengan kelahiran Yesus Kristus atau Isa al-Masih, sehingga agama Kristen sering disebut agama Masehi. Masa sebelum Yesus lahir pun disebut tahun Sebelum Masehi (SM) dan sesudah Yesus lahir disebut tahun Masehi.
Bagi kita, orang Islam, merayakan tahun baru Masehi, tentu saja akan semakin ikut andil dalam menghapus jejak-jejak sejarah Islam kan??
66- And surely in the livestock there is a lesson for you, We give you to drink
of that which is in their bellies from the midst of digested food and blood,
pure milk palatable for the drinkers.
16-The Honeybee, 66
We often see goats, sheep and cows eat grass, and yet it rarely occurs to any of
us to establish a link between this process and the milk and the dairy products
we consume. God lets them feed on this grass, its ultimate transformation to be
milk, one of the basic nutriments. William Harvey discovered the circulation of
blood almost a millennium after the Prophet?s decease. At the time of the
Prophet, the fact that the blood carried the nutriments absorbed from digested
food into its constituents to mammary glands for production of milk was not
known. The new material transformed from pasture into assimilated food and blood
becomes a nutritious food.
The Quran not only draws attention to truths unknown at the time, but also
displays facts to derive lessons from. The blood collects and transports the
substances formed by digested food to organs; among others, to mammary glands.
This process is initiated by blood coming into contact with the contents of
intestines, on their walls. Before continuing its journey, carried by blood,
part of the digested food is absorbed by the intestines. This information is the
result of modern research in biology, chemistry and in the physiology of
Milk is the first food of the newborn mammal. It is a fluid secreted by the
mammary glands of mammalians as food for their young in the period immediately
after birth. From the young of whales to human infants, all mammals feed on
their mother?s milk. The young animals and the babies obtain their supply of
excellent nourishment without any toil. Milk is the best product for infants. No
other nourishment can replace what is provided by it. We can identify thousands
of nutritious food items in the world. Had the universe been the outcome of
happy coincidences and had there been no ingeniously designed creation, there
would have been no particular reason for the mother?s milk to be the best and
most carefully selected nutriment. This perfect order designed for every mammal,
including man, is a proof of the Creator?s inimitable forethought. Materials
digested to become blood turn into milk in the mother?s breast and are offered
to the newborn by its Creator. Whether ratiocinated or mathematically calculated,
it is impossible to assert that this is the outcome of fortuitous events which
have nothing to do with a designed purpose. The infant practices sucking its
finger in the womb to be prepared for drinking milk as soon as it is delivered.
The fact that mother?s milk comes exactly in the amount of the baby?s need
without spurting is also carefully planned.
The milk we first taste from our mother?s breast will continue throughout our
lives to be consumed by us to meet the requirements of a healthy constitution.
Milk is a whitish liquid consisting of small globules of fat suspended in a
watery solution containing proteins, lactose sugar and minerals like calcium,
casein and phosphorous, plus vitamins. Cheese, butter and yogurt are all made
with milk, the basic nutriment of man. The benefits that our body derives from
its contents, like minerals and vitamins are more than the present book can
contain. When we consume it, we should remember always its Creator.
of that which is in their bellies from the midst of digested food and blood,
pure milk palatable for the drinkers.
16-The Honeybee, 66
We often see goats, sheep and cows eat grass, and yet it rarely occurs to any of
us to establish a link between this process and the milk and the dairy products
we consume. God lets them feed on this grass, its ultimate transformation to be
milk, one of the basic nutriments. William Harvey discovered the circulation of
blood almost a millennium after the Prophet?s decease. At the time of the
Prophet, the fact that the blood carried the nutriments absorbed from digested
food into its constituents to mammary glands for production of milk was not
known. The new material transformed from pasture into assimilated food and blood
becomes a nutritious food.
The Quran not only draws attention to truths unknown at the time, but also
displays facts to derive lessons from. The blood collects and transports the
substances formed by digested food to organs; among others, to mammary glands.
This process is initiated by blood coming into contact with the contents of
intestines, on their walls. Before continuing its journey, carried by blood,
part of the digested food is absorbed by the intestines. This information is the
result of modern research in biology, chemistry and in the physiology of
Milk is the first food of the newborn mammal. It is a fluid secreted by the
mammary glands of mammalians as food for their young in the period immediately
after birth. From the young of whales to human infants, all mammals feed on
their mother?s milk. The young animals and the babies obtain their supply of
excellent nourishment without any toil. Milk is the best product for infants. No
other nourishment can replace what is provided by it. We can identify thousands
of nutritious food items in the world. Had the universe been the outcome of
happy coincidences and had there been no ingeniously designed creation, there
would have been no particular reason for the mother?s milk to be the best and
most carefully selected nutriment. This perfect order designed for every mammal,
including man, is a proof of the Creator?s inimitable forethought. Materials
digested to become blood turn into milk in the mother?s breast and are offered
to the newborn by its Creator. Whether ratiocinated or mathematically calculated,
it is impossible to assert that this is the outcome of fortuitous events which
have nothing to do with a designed purpose. The infant practices sucking its
finger in the womb to be prepared for drinking milk as soon as it is delivered.
The fact that mother?s milk comes exactly in the amount of the baby?s need
without spurting is also carefully planned.
The milk we first taste from our mother?s breast will continue throughout our
lives to be consumed by us to meet the requirements of a healthy constitution.
Milk is a whitish liquid consisting of small globules of fat suspended in a
watery solution containing proteins, lactose sugar and minerals like calcium,
casein and phosphorous, plus vitamins. Cheese, butter and yogurt are all made
with milk, the basic nutriment of man. The benefits that our body derives from
its contents, like minerals and vitamins are more than the present book can
contain. When we consume it, we should remember always its Creator.
Posted by A. Armada Pahla, M.Pd
1. Creation Of Arsy
2. Chair Allah ( Power And His Science)
3. Creation Of Lauhhil Mahfuzh
4. Creation of earth and sky
5. Creation of mount
6. Creation of river and sea
7. Creation of animal
8. Creation of insect
9. Creation of creature which is life in water
10. Creation of animal slither
11. Creation of flora
12. Creation of countrys
13. Sentences about star
14. Sentences about wind
15. Creation of month;moon and sun
16. Nature of month;moon and sun
17. Sentences about rain and cloud
18. Creation of noon and night
1. Creation Of Arsy
2. Chair Allah ( Power And His Science)
3. Creation Of Lauhhil Mahfuzh
4. Creation of earth and sky
5. Creation of mount
6. Creation of river and sea
7. Creation of animal
8. Creation of insect
9. Creation of creature which is life in water
10. Creation of animal slither
11. Creation of flora
12. Creation of countrys
13. Sentences about star
14. Sentences about wind
15. Creation of month;moon and sun
16. Nature of month;moon and sun
17. Sentences about rain and cloud
18. Creation of noon and night
The Miraculous Quran
Description: The Quran’s Effect on the Generation of the Prophet and Afterwards.
By Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo (© 2007
Published on 09 Apr 2007 - Last modified on 01 Apr 2008
Viewed: 7873 (daily average: 9) - Rating: 3.7 out of 5 - Rated by: 3
Printed: 528 - Emailed: 3 - Commented on: 0
Category: Articles > Evidence Islam is Truth > The Authenticity and Preservation of the Holy Quran
Category: Articles > The Holy Quran > The Authenticity and Preservation of the Holy Quran
The next aspect that caught me eye—and this again was something that non-Muslims were mentioning in their works—was the effect that the Quran had on the generation of the Prophet. May the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and afterwards.
It is clear that the Arabs at the time of the Prophet were wont to drink, make merry and engage in tribal battles. They were known to sometimes kill their female babies. However, one finds that in a short span of close to twenty years a movement that started with just one man was able, due to the grace of God and the miraculous effect of the Quran, to change almost all of the Arabs and non-Arabs in the Arabian peninsula and bind them together into a brotherhood of faith and mercy which was so strong that if any one part of this brotherhood was in anguish, the whole brotherhood would be affected negatively. At that time, one could find two people who were from previously antagonistic tribes sharing their wealth and willing to give up their lives for each other. Indeed, one was willing to split half of his wealth and divorce one of his wives for the sake of his new brother who was from a “foreign” tribe.
Perhaps one of the best descriptions of the change that took place among the Muslims can be seen in the famous statement of the Companion Jafar ibn Abu Talib who was asked by the Negus of Abyssinia about the mission of the Messenger. He told him,
O king, we were an ignorant people, worshipping idols, eating carrion and indulging in sexual pleasures. We ridiculed our neighbors, a brother oppressed his brother, and the strong devoured the weak. At this time a man rose among us, who had already been known to be truthful, noble and honest. This man called us to Islam. And he taught us to give up worshipping stones, to speak the truth, to refrain from bloodshed, and not to defraud the orphans of their property. He taught us to provide comfort to our neighbors and not to bring a slander against chaste women. He enjoined upon us to offer prayers, observe fasts and give alms. We followed him, gave up polytheism and idolatry and refrained from all evil deeds. It is for this new way that our people have become hostile to us and compel us to return to our old misguided life.[1]
That generation, in turn, took the message to the rest of the world. They were clearly a people who were taken from darkness into light and to the straight path of God. When asked by the Emperor of Persia what brought the Muslims to their lands, two different Companions answered in similar terms: “God has sent us to take whoever wishes from the servitude of mankind to the servitude of God and from the tightness of this world to its expanse and from the injustice of the ways of life [in this world] to the justice of Islam.”[2]
During the lifetime of the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, one can see how these people were turned into a pious generation, fearing God and hoping for God’s reward. Even when they, as humans, slipped and committed sins, they eagerly repented and turned to God for His forgiveness. They would much rather face a severe penalty in this life, such as death, than face God with their sins on their hands. This can be seen in the cases of Maaiz ibn Maalik al-Aslami and the woman called al-Ghaamidiyah. Both of them came to the Prophet to admit that they had committed adultery and each asked the Prophet for the worldly retribution to erase their sins. In the case of al-Ghaamidiyah, the Prophet asked her to go back after her confession and to return to the Prophet after she had given birth. She came back with her child in her arms and asked the Prophet to purify her from her sins. The Prophet then asked her to return after she had weaned the child. Then she returned after some time and told the Prophet that the child was no longer in need of her breastfeeding. She once again asked for her expiation from her sin. Then, finally, the Prophet implemented the legal retribution as an expiation for her sin of adultery. The Prophet then praised her act of repentance.[3]
The effect of this change in the Companions continued long after the death of the Prophet. Note the following accounts of the Companions as they sought to spread the message of Islam to the rest of the world:
The sterling character and qualities of the Muslim soldiers were once praised by a Roman officer in these words: “At night you will find them prayerful; during the day you will find them fasting. They keep their promises, order good deeds, suppress evil and maintain complete equality among themselves.”
Another testified thus: “They are horsemen by day and ascetics by night. They pay for what they eat in territories under their occupation. They are first to salute when they arrive at a place and are valiant fighters who just wipe out the enemy.”
A third said: “During the night it seems that they do not belong to this world and have no other business than to pray, and during the day, when one sees them mounted on their horses, one feels that they have been doing nothing else all their lives. They are great archers and great lancers, yet they are so devoutly religious and remember God so much and so often that one can hardly hear talk about anything else in their company.”[4]
The benefits of the civilization developed upon the teachings of the Quran went well beyond the Muslim lands. Many are familiar with the Muslims’ influence on Europe and how Islamic influences eventually led to the Renaissance. The author of A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, John Draper wrote, “Four years after the death of Justinian, A.D. 569, was born at Mecca, in Arabia, the man who, of all men, has exercised the greatest influence upon the human race.”[5] This work was quite an eye opener for me at the time of my conversion to Islam. Draper, writing in the 19th century, was very disappointed and seemingly angered that Muslims continually failed to receive their proper accolades for all that they contributed to European society and civilization. For instance, he writes "To these Saracens we are indebted for many of our personal comforts. Religiously cleanly, it was not possible for them to clothe, according to the fashion of the natives of Europe, in a garment unchanged till it dropped to pieces of itself, a loathsome mass of vermin, stench and rags... They taught us the use of the oft-changed and oft-washed under-garment of linen and cotton, which still passes among ladies under its old Arabic name...”[6]
Many scholars have recognized the importance of Islam and the Quran’s teachings for the betterment of humanity. The famous intellect George Bernard Shaw once stated,
“I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality… I have prophecied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today. Mediaeval ecclesiastics, either through ignorance or bigotry, painted Muhammadanism in the darkest colours. They were, in fact, trained to hate both the man Muhammad and his religion. To them Muhammad was anti-Christ. I have studied him, the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must be called the saviour of Humanity.[7]
[1]The translation of this statement was taken from Allama Shibli Numani, Sirat-un-Nabi (Lahore, Pakistan: Kazi Publications, 1979), p. 211. The incident was recorded by ibn Ishaq in al-Maghazi and Ahmad. And its chain is sahih according to al-Albaani. See al-Albaani's footnotes to Muhammad al-Ghazaali, Fiqh al-Seera (Qatar: Idaarah Ihyaa al-Turaath al-Islaami, n.d.), p. 126.
[2]Ismaaeel ibn Katheer, Al-Bidaayah wa al-Nihaayah (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, n.d.), vol. 7, pp. 39-40.
[3]The story of both Maaiz and al-Ghaamidiyyah are recorded by Muslim.
[4]Quoted from Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Islam and the World (International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations, 1983), p. 81. Also see ibn Katheer, al-Bidaayah, vol. 7, p. 53.
[5] Quoted in Islam—The First and Final Religion, p. 39. Of course, more recently, Michael H. Hart’s The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History put the Prophet Muhammad r number one among all the world’s influential leaders.
[6] Draper’s work is not available to me at the current time. Therefore, this quote was taken from Aslam Munjee, The Crusades: Then and Now (Arlington, VA: First Amendment Publishers, 2004), p. 3.
[7] “A Collection of Writings of Some of the Eminent Scholars,” published by the Woking Muslim Mission, 1935 edition, p. 77. Quoted in Islam: The First & Final Religion (Karachi, Pakistan: Begum Aisha Bawany Waqf, 1978), p. 57. In reality, many non-Muslim, Western thinkers have had words of great praise for the religion of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) or the Quran. The work just cited compiles numerous such quotes and is interesting reading.
Description: The Quran’s Effect on the Generation of the Prophet and Afterwards.
By Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo (© 2007
Published on 09 Apr 2007 - Last modified on 01 Apr 2008
Viewed: 7873 (daily average: 9) - Rating: 3.7 out of 5 - Rated by: 3
Printed: 528 - Emailed: 3 - Commented on: 0
Category: Articles > Evidence Islam is Truth > The Authenticity and Preservation of the Holy Quran
Category: Articles > The Holy Quran > The Authenticity and Preservation of the Holy Quran
The next aspect that caught me eye—and this again was something that non-Muslims were mentioning in their works—was the effect that the Quran had on the generation of the Prophet. May the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and afterwards.
It is clear that the Arabs at the time of the Prophet were wont to drink, make merry and engage in tribal battles. They were known to sometimes kill their female babies. However, one finds that in a short span of close to twenty years a movement that started with just one man was able, due to the grace of God and the miraculous effect of the Quran, to change almost all of the Arabs and non-Arabs in the Arabian peninsula and bind them together into a brotherhood of faith and mercy which was so strong that if any one part of this brotherhood was in anguish, the whole brotherhood would be affected negatively. At that time, one could find two people who were from previously antagonistic tribes sharing their wealth and willing to give up their lives for each other. Indeed, one was willing to split half of his wealth and divorce one of his wives for the sake of his new brother who was from a “foreign” tribe.
Perhaps one of the best descriptions of the change that took place among the Muslims can be seen in the famous statement of the Companion Jafar ibn Abu Talib who was asked by the Negus of Abyssinia about the mission of the Messenger. He told him,
O king, we were an ignorant people, worshipping idols, eating carrion and indulging in sexual pleasures. We ridiculed our neighbors, a brother oppressed his brother, and the strong devoured the weak. At this time a man rose among us, who had already been known to be truthful, noble and honest. This man called us to Islam. And he taught us to give up worshipping stones, to speak the truth, to refrain from bloodshed, and not to defraud the orphans of their property. He taught us to provide comfort to our neighbors and not to bring a slander against chaste women. He enjoined upon us to offer prayers, observe fasts and give alms. We followed him, gave up polytheism and idolatry and refrained from all evil deeds. It is for this new way that our people have become hostile to us and compel us to return to our old misguided life.[1]
That generation, in turn, took the message to the rest of the world. They were clearly a people who were taken from darkness into light and to the straight path of God. When asked by the Emperor of Persia what brought the Muslims to their lands, two different Companions answered in similar terms: “God has sent us to take whoever wishes from the servitude of mankind to the servitude of God and from the tightness of this world to its expanse and from the injustice of the ways of life [in this world] to the justice of Islam.”[2]
During the lifetime of the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, one can see how these people were turned into a pious generation, fearing God and hoping for God’s reward. Even when they, as humans, slipped and committed sins, they eagerly repented and turned to God for His forgiveness. They would much rather face a severe penalty in this life, such as death, than face God with their sins on their hands. This can be seen in the cases of Maaiz ibn Maalik al-Aslami and the woman called al-Ghaamidiyah. Both of them came to the Prophet to admit that they had committed adultery and each asked the Prophet for the worldly retribution to erase their sins. In the case of al-Ghaamidiyah, the Prophet asked her to go back after her confession and to return to the Prophet after she had given birth. She came back with her child in her arms and asked the Prophet to purify her from her sins. The Prophet then asked her to return after she had weaned the child. Then she returned after some time and told the Prophet that the child was no longer in need of her breastfeeding. She once again asked for her expiation from her sin. Then, finally, the Prophet implemented the legal retribution as an expiation for her sin of adultery. The Prophet then praised her act of repentance.[3]
The effect of this change in the Companions continued long after the death of the Prophet. Note the following accounts of the Companions as they sought to spread the message of Islam to the rest of the world:
The sterling character and qualities of the Muslim soldiers were once praised by a Roman officer in these words: “At night you will find them prayerful; during the day you will find them fasting. They keep their promises, order good deeds, suppress evil and maintain complete equality among themselves.”
Another testified thus: “They are horsemen by day and ascetics by night. They pay for what they eat in territories under their occupation. They are first to salute when they arrive at a place and are valiant fighters who just wipe out the enemy.”
A third said: “During the night it seems that they do not belong to this world and have no other business than to pray, and during the day, when one sees them mounted on their horses, one feels that they have been doing nothing else all their lives. They are great archers and great lancers, yet they are so devoutly religious and remember God so much and so often that one can hardly hear talk about anything else in their company.”[4]
The benefits of the civilization developed upon the teachings of the Quran went well beyond the Muslim lands. Many are familiar with the Muslims’ influence on Europe and how Islamic influences eventually led to the Renaissance. The author of A History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, John Draper wrote, “Four years after the death of Justinian, A.D. 569, was born at Mecca, in Arabia, the man who, of all men, has exercised the greatest influence upon the human race.”[5] This work was quite an eye opener for me at the time of my conversion to Islam. Draper, writing in the 19th century, was very disappointed and seemingly angered that Muslims continually failed to receive their proper accolades for all that they contributed to European society and civilization. For instance, he writes "To these Saracens we are indebted for many of our personal comforts. Religiously cleanly, it was not possible for them to clothe, according to the fashion of the natives of Europe, in a garment unchanged till it dropped to pieces of itself, a loathsome mass of vermin, stench and rags... They taught us the use of the oft-changed and oft-washed under-garment of linen and cotton, which still passes among ladies under its old Arabic name...”[6]
Many scholars have recognized the importance of Islam and the Quran’s teachings for the betterment of humanity. The famous intellect George Bernard Shaw once stated,
“I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality… I have prophecied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today. Mediaeval ecclesiastics, either through ignorance or bigotry, painted Muhammadanism in the darkest colours. They were, in fact, trained to hate both the man Muhammad and his religion. To them Muhammad was anti-Christ. I have studied him, the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must be called the saviour of Humanity.[7]
[1]The translation of this statement was taken from Allama Shibli Numani, Sirat-un-Nabi (Lahore, Pakistan: Kazi Publications, 1979), p. 211. The incident was recorded by ibn Ishaq in al-Maghazi and Ahmad. And its chain is sahih according to al-Albaani. See al-Albaani's footnotes to Muhammad al-Ghazaali, Fiqh al-Seera (Qatar: Idaarah Ihyaa al-Turaath al-Islaami, n.d.), p. 126.
[2]Ismaaeel ibn Katheer, Al-Bidaayah wa al-Nihaayah (Beirut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, n.d.), vol. 7, pp. 39-40.
[3]The story of both Maaiz and al-Ghaamidiyyah are recorded by Muslim.
[4]Quoted from Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Islam and the World (International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations, 1983), p. 81. Also see ibn Katheer, al-Bidaayah, vol. 7, p. 53.
[5] Quoted in Islam—The First and Final Religion, p. 39. Of course, more recently, Michael H. Hart’s The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History put the Prophet Muhammad r number one among all the world’s influential leaders.
[6] Draper’s work is not available to me at the current time. Therefore, this quote was taken from Aslam Munjee, The Crusades: Then and Now (Arlington, VA: First Amendment Publishers, 2004), p. 3.
[7] “A Collection of Writings of Some of the Eminent Scholars,” published by the Woking Muslim Mission, 1935 edition, p. 77. Quoted in Islam: The First & Final Religion (Karachi, Pakistan: Begum Aisha Bawany Waqf, 1978), p. 57. In reality, many non-Muslim, Western thinkers have had words of great praise for the religion of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) or the Quran. The work just cited compiles numerous such quotes and is interesting reading.
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