armada times


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Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

characteristics in the month of ramadan

The decrease of Al-Quran
Al-Qur'an was revealed from Allah SWT. to the sky world as a whole in the month of Ramadan. After that, the Angel Gabriel gradually submit it to the Prophet Muhammad according to the commandment of Allah. Allah Most High. said:
"The month of Ramadan, the month in which reduced (beginning) the Qur'an as a guidance for mankind and explanations of instructions and a differentiator (between the right and the false)."
(Quran 2:185) The Quran is the eternal miracle. Eternal blessings. Unsurpassable greatness. Who cling to God will survive. And who makes the instructions it will show a straight path. It should be Muslims, especially in this glorious month of Ramadan, remember fadhilah Al-Quran for them and carry out their duties towards the Qur'an. That is, read it, understand it and really practice it with great sincerity. And should mereka'mengkolaborasikan 'between fasting and the Qur'an. Because they are a source of strength, guidance, light, life and the triumph of the Prophet has explained-Fadilah Fadilah Al-Quran. Among them, saith he:

"Enlighten your home with prayers and recitations of the Koran".

"Dishes Allah is Al-Quran, then do not you leave".

"When Expert Quran into heaven, he called out: read and marched to a higher degree. So he was reading and grew too rank in every verse that read, until he spends reading ".

"Who reads a letter from Al-Quran is a virtue for him. Goodness is folded up to ten times. I do not say 'alif lam mim' is one letter. However, it is one letter alif, lam and mim is a letter that one letter ".

"The best of you is studying the Quran and teach it".

"There's no better intercessors with Allah than the Al-Quran".

"Fasting and Qur'an will intercede for a servant on the Day of Judgement. Fasting say: O Lord, I have kept him from eating and lust, then make me an intercessor for him. The Quran also says: I've kept him from sleeping at night, then make me an intercessor for him. Allah says: you are intercessors for him. "That is the Quran. The Book of God's great. The source for advice for the Muslims. Hope for strength and victory. And the mediation to take istifadah profusely from the noble month of Ramadan.

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