armada times


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Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Party in Happy New Year, How character?

newyearSret (voice torn paper) remaining in the calendar sheet 1 sheet only, vendors bugle began strewn roadside, shops and shopping centers compete with heavily discounted membandrol special new year, the youth began to cool appointments, MAKSIAT even-even accompany this moment. Then, how the Islamic view of this new year celebration? Various events gembar yells at the TV began to enliven the splendor of the new year, we should not have to go stay up / wait until the peak of festivities that occur during the countdown before the turn of the year before the clock showed, 00.00 (new year) Five ... four ... three ... two ... one ... toooeet! [sound of a trumpet began to deafen ears]

Or are having fun, talking, convoy around the city, and many things that do not benefit. Though the Prophet hated the chat or other useless activities performed after Isha. If no interest, the Prophet advocated to go straight to bed, to wake up at night to worship.

It was narrated from 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud ra, he said, "The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said to us after talking tercelanya pray 'lsya.'" (Narrated by Ahmad, Ibn Majah)

Islam as a religion of mercy, forbade his people to stay up without benefit.

Then the people who stayed up late, spend the night to wait and enjoy the new year, have violated the above words of the Prophet Muhammad. By staying up late, they neglect evening prayer, dhikr of Allah Ta'ala, even late in the morning and late to implement the dawn prayer. Indeed, a lot of losses resulting from following the new year celebration.

terompetDan has been known to everyone that the new year celebration BC is not Islamic culture. Even the culture is derived from non-Muslim cultures. And the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam taught his followers to leave and stay away from the celebrations, especially repeated every year who come from non-Muslims.

In an authentic hadith of Anas bin Malik, he said, when the Prophet came to Medina, they had two great days to play around. Then he asked, "Two days to what it is?" They said, "Two days in which we were often playing in the jahiliyyah." Then he said: 'Allah has replaced them for you for two days better than both : Eid ul-Adha and Eid al-Fitr. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood)

And taukah you, that was the celebration of the new year not only limited to chat, fireworks and trumpets aja know. The tradition of New Year celebrations in several countries associated with religious rituals or their belief in god.

For example in Brazil. At midnight every year on January 1, Brazilian people flocked to the beach with clean white clothes. They are laying flowers at sea, buried mango, papaya and watermelon on the beach sand as a tribute to the god tkita Lemanja the famous sea-god in the legend of Brazilian states.

As in Brazil, even the ancient Romans gave each other gifts of branches from sacred trees to celebrate the New Year. Later, they give each other nuts or gold coins with the image layer Janus, the god of doors and all the starters. Historically, January is taken from the name of this two-faced god (one face facing forward and one facing backward).

Meanwhile, according to the trust the Germans, if they eat the rest of the feast celebration of New Year's Eve on January 1, they are believed not to be deprived of food for a full year. For the majority of Christians who inhabit parts of continental Europe, the new year AD is associated with the birth of Jesus Christ or Isa al-Masih, so that Christianity often called the religion of Christ. Period before Jesus was born was called BCE (BC) and after Jesus' birth is called the solar year.

For us, the Muslims, celebrating the new year AD, of course, will increasingly play a part in removing traces the history of Islam is not it??

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