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Senin, 25 Juli 2011

why a woman could be having an affair

Thus Reasons Women Cheating

Men are pretty much cheating, but women who had an affair also is not small.Based on a research study conducted by the Coffee and Company, a marriage bureau in the UK, from about 3 thousand female respondents, at least 20 percent of women admitted to having an affair.

While the study conducted site found 5 percent of women have or are cheating on their partners, while less than 3 percent of men admitted never or was having an affair. Why do women cheat? Here are the reasons:


According to relationship expert, Seth Meyers, Psy.D., a psychologist from Los Angeles and author of Dr. Seth's Love Prescription, cognitively to faithful men have just as a woman. However, this does not stop her for cheating. In fact, there are some women who feel vindictive if the spouse had an affair. Men are not emotional, so they usually can not feel pain the same unless he felt his own pain, once said Bonnie Weil, Ph.D., author of Adultery: The Forgivable Sin. Women feel cheated on is a way to equalize.

Finding an increase in adrenaline

An affair is the experience of fighting routines, thrilling, and some even say, a stress release. A woman having an affair sometimes just want to get the pleasure to have more of a man who loved her. Generally, a wife will try to explain and to tell her husband that there is a problem in the relationship merea. If the husband failed to help overcome the problem of the relationship, or just respond briefly, and then cheated on his wife because he felt he had no other choice.

Ego boost

Who would not want to be adored and praised? Generally, male affair will try to make the woman feel so great with all the words and praise for making her feel sexy and amazing do not like what was done by a current partner. Affair often occurs in relationships which makes the wife does not feel emotionally connected with the current partner.

If a wife feels neglected or feels abandoned by her husband, she will become brittle and easily ran into the affair, whether emotional or physical, a man who makes her feel special and wanted. When the strained relationship between two couples is certain each will try to hurt the ego, and this will open the door to problems.

To find a love affair

Long-standing relationship is very different from starting a new relationship.Chemical flow of love will be more lost the longer the relationship is established.Decrease the feeling of love that can not be denied, and it can happen, but it could be made to keep warm. It is important to keep and maintain the chemical remains on even though a love affair has long been intertwined. For example, by doing a 30 second kiss and hug 20 seconds, which can increase endorphin levels.Conflict creates passion, a marriage that is too "deep calm", is rarely an argument, an argument is rarely, rarely remove the contents of the liver, can actually lead to the infidelity of one. Of course that does not mean it must apply every day and every moment.

Want to get caught

Most women view infidelity as an escape hole, especially the wives who had children. If he already has children, it would be difficult for a woman to leave her husband without guilt. But the guilt will be reduced if not he who initiated the breakup. As a result, the wife will look for ways to reduce stress and guilt by having an affair, her husband would leave her anyway.

Bored with sex life

Couples who have been together for so long often complain that their sexual relationship is not as warm as it used to be, even no more sex. This could encourage women to seek other ways to satisfy his desire. Sometimes women feel cheated because there is no spontaneity in the relationship anymore. Sexual boredom can be one manifestation of it. Desire to have more frequent and different types can make a young woman having an affair. The wife who was still in the early 20s or younger may lead to infidelity as men, they also want sex more often, different sex, or wondered what it's like having sex with a man not her husband.

Feeling alone

When one feels that she and her husband no longer have the same interests, he will find himself in an emotional affair with a man who has the same interests.However, an emotional affair could quickly move to higher levels and became a sexual infidelity. Not a few women who had an affair to fill the void. According to Weil, affair raised a feeling of solitude and emptiness. This is a form of sense of hunger for a relationship.

Want to repeat the past

Sometimes, a woman's ex-girlfriend reminded how it feels to be a beautiful and desirable. Because the courtship with the former that the woman feel young, sexy, loose, pull, and came back to life, the woman wanted to re-experience it all again.

Attention and adventure

Women can easily be felt wasted, after working 24 hours at home, raising children, cleaning the house, some even worked in the office too. Women need to feel appreciated and thirst for validation. They also want to find an occasional pleasure. A woman who feels empty and hollow in her marriage was an easy prey to the type of "bad boy".

According to some psychologists argue, if you are looking for reasons in particular why women having an affair, most of the reason it can actually be overcome by a husband who would take the time to be more loving, caring, loving, and cooperative. A woman who is happy in her marriage relationship will not be cheated

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