School Self Evaluation (SSE)
School Self Evaluation (SSE) at each school is the responsibility of school principals and conducted by the School Development Team (SMT) which consists of principal, teachers, school committees, parents, students, and supervisors. SSE process can involve community leaders or local religious leaders. SSE instrument is specifically designed for use by SMT in assessing the performance of schools on the 8 National Education Standards (SNPs) whose results became the basis of inputs and preparation of School Development Plan (RPS) in efforts to improve school performance. SSE should be carried out after polling members received training.
Concise information about the SSE can be seen below:
1. What is School Self-Evaluation?
• school self-evaluation is a process that involves all stakeholders to assist schools in assessing the quality of education based on key indicators that refer to the eight National Education Standards (SNP).
• Through the SSE strength and progress of schools can be known and those aspects that require improvement can be identified.
• school self-evaluation process is a cycle, which began with the establishment of polling stations, training, use of instruments, the implementation of the SSE in school and use the results as a basis for the RPS / RKS and budgets / RKAS.
• TPS collects information from various sources to assess the performance of schools based on the indicators defined in the Instrument. This activity involves all educators and educational staff in schools to obtain information and opinions from all school stakeholders.
• SSE will also see the vision and mission of the school. If schools do not have the vision and mission, it is expected that this activity will spur schools to create or improve the vision and mission of the school in achieving the desired performance.
• The SSE is used as an ingredient for setting a priority aspect in the improvement plans and school development on the RPS / RKS and budgets / RKAS.
• Report the results of the SSE is used by the Trustees for the benefit of the School Monitoring by the Local Government (MSPD) as an ingredient of planning education at the district / city.
2. What the school obtained from the SSE?
• How well does the school performance? With the SSE will obtain information about the management of schools that have met the SNP to be used as the basis for the preparation of the RPS / RKS and budgets / RKAS.
• How to know the actual school performance? With the SSE will obtain information about the actual school performance and the information is verified with physical evidence accordingly.
• How to improve school performance? Schools use the information collected in the SSE is to establish what the priorities for school improvement and is used to prepare the RPS / RKS and budgets / RKAS.
3. What are the benefits to be gained from the SSE schools?
• Schools are able to identify its strengths and weaknesses as a basis for planning further development.
• The school is able to recognize opportunities to improve the quality of education, assess the success of improvement efforts, and make adjustments to existing programs.
• Schools are able to know the challenges faced and diagnose the type of requirements needed for repairs.
• Schools can determine the level of achievement based on 8 SNPs.
• Schools can provide a formal report to stakeholders on progress and results achieved.
4. How often does the school perform SSE?
• Schools make the process of SSE once every year.
5. What is the shape Instruments SSE?
SSE instrument consists of 8 (eight) parts in accordance with 8 SNPs. Each section consists of:
• A series of questions related to the SNP as the basis for the school in obtaining qualitative performance information.
• Each standard can consist of several aspects that provide a more comprehensive picture.
• Every aspect of the standard consists of four levels of achievement: the achievement level 1 means less, 2 means moderate, 3 means both, and 4 means very good.
• Each level of achievement has several indicators.
• At the end of the aspects of each standard, there is a recapitulation of the page to write the achievement of the assessment results obtained. This summary page consists of the physical evidence which reinforces the recognition of the level of achievement, a general description of the findings obtained to assess these aspects, and determining achievement levels of school performance.
• A number of questions associated with 8 SNPs most closely associated with the quality of learning and the aspects that need to be developed for the purposes of school improvement plan.
• The level of achievement on each standard in this instrument can be used to assess school performance on a specific standard.
6. How schools use achievement levels?
• Members of the TPS jointly examine Instruments SSE at every aspect of every standard. Should be prepared ministerial regulation, or government regulation indicators related to the SNP as the reference.
• Based on the real conditions of school, members of the polling stations to assess whether their schools are included in levels 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the achievement of these eight SNPs. For example there are aspects of the Content Standards suitability and relevance of the curriculum as well as aspects of the provision of needs for self-development. It could be aspects of appropriateness and relevance of the curriculum at level 4, but aspects of the need for self-development at level 2. It's not a problem. Achievement level on each standard describing what circumstances school performance conditions at the time of penialian associated with a particular question.
• After determining the level of achievement, schools need to include physical evidence of his confession. Examples of physical evidence on community participation in school life of the school committee meetings, minutes, attendance list, and invitations.
• The results of all assessments and determining the level of achievement of school performance for certain aspects of each standard were written on pieces of the assessment report or summary to include the appropriate physical evidence (see the description on the number 5 above).
• Schools determine the level of achievement and not just give a check mark (tick) on each item in SSE Instruments.
• Level of achievement of school performance may differ in different aspects. This is important because the school must provide performance reports as is. In the implementation of SSE are performed each year, schools have a real basic aspects and standards that require continuous improvement.
• Using this instrument SSE, schools can measure their performance impact on the learning of students. Schools can also check the results and follow up on improvement of learning services provided to meet the learning needs of learners.
7. What type of evidence can be shown?
• Physical evidence that describes the level of achievement must be in accordance with aspects or standards being assessed. For that need to be utilized various sources of information that can be used as physical evidence such as study notes, observations, and interviews / consultations with stakeholders such as school committees, parents, teachers, students, and other related elements.
• Keep in mind that the qualitative information that describes the reality can be derived from quantitative information. For example, Teaching Implementation Plan (RPP) is not merely a record of how the teaching carried out. The existence of the curriculum document is not the only evidence that the curriculum has been implemented.
• Various types of physical evidence can be used schools as evidence of certain levels of achievement. In addition, schools should also indicate the source of physical evidence as appropriate.
8. How does the SSE help draft the school development plan?
• TPS analyze the information collected, used it to identify and set priorities which then became the basis for the RPS / RKS and budgets / RKAS.
• Based on the SSE, the school developed the RPS with a priority to improve the quality of school performance are clearly defined, observable and measurable. Thus, the RPS into a document that includes aspects of school performance implementation, priorities, deadlines, and the measure of success.
• The SSE-related aspects of change and improvement. Efforts to change and the increase was only useful when embodied in a plan to improve education quality and learning outcomes of students. Expected by the kinds of data and information obtained from the SSE, the school was not only able to formulate development plans with the right, but the assessment of progress in the future will also be easier to do with the availability of reliable data. This by itself allows the school to show the results of efforts to increase them at all times.
9. What reports need to be prepared?
• School reports SSE results using a separate format, which presents the level of achievement as well as the evidence it uses. The results of SSE is used for basic preparation of RPS schools, but also reported to the Office of Education District / City or Religious Affairs to be analyzed further by utilizing the EMIS (Educational Management Information System / Education Management Information System) for planning purposes and various other quality improvement activities.
• school reports which revealed the findings can be used to perform internal validation (to assess and match) by the school superintendent, and external validation using a number of schools by the Working Group on School Supervision (KKPS) at district level with the help of staff from LPMP quality assurance.
• The SSE is an important part in monitoring the performance of schools by local governments in order to guarantee and improve the quality of education.
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